Monday, October 16, 2006

#45 Second Glance by Jodi Picoult ***

From Amazon: Ghosts and ghost hunters collide in this compelling tale of the paranormal set in Vermont's green mountains. When the patriarch of the Abenaki Indian tribe that was nearly eradicated by that state's eugenics project in the 1930s encounters Ross Wakeman, the miraculous survivor of several attempted suicides who wants nothing more than to be reunited with the woman he loved and lost, they set in motion a chain of events that will unravel an ancient murder and lead to a second chance at life and love for the victim's descendants.

11/10/06 This was good and I enjoyed. However, it started out slow for me. So many characters and a lot of jumping around to each story line. However, once you start in on the second part it all starts to become more clear.

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