Tuesday, November 22, 2005

What Do You Do All Day? by Amy Scheibe****

This looks like it will be a fun quick read which I'm in need of. Feel like the last couple of books have taken months to read.

What hoot! This turned out to be better than I expected. I will give this warning if you are one of those "perfect" mothers that never has one bad thought about her children, husband, or in-laws then you might find this book a bit offensive.

Jennifer Bradley has a miles-long list of daily duties (compounded by the absence of her loving but always traveling husband), including urging one-year-old Max to crawl in her presence and handling precocious four-year-old Georgia (whose response to being bathed with her brother is, "I'm not down with this, Jen"). But the question Jennifer can't seem to answer is whether what she does all day really matters. Scheibe crafts a well-rounded, realistic character in Jennifer--a thinking mother who is brutally honest about her ambivalence. Some days she wants to spend hours just staring at her kids, but on others, she yearns for her old job as an antiquities dealer. And what about that biography of Hannibal she's always wanted to write? Jennifer's constant worry that her "hard-earned identity of career woman/neofeminist" has been "thrown out with the baby's bathwater" brings a manic, amusing energy to the story, and propels her pell-mell down the brambly path of motherhood. --Brangien Davis

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